
Arriving at School

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Arriving at School


Parents are expected to inform the school via phone, email, or message if their child cannot attend school for any reason (illness, injury, travel, etc.).

Preparing Your Child for Preschool Education

While many children may eagerly anticipate being with other children and participating in the fun environment and engaging activities they observed during your previous visits to the school, some may feel unhappy about saying goodbye to their parents. Implementing the suggestions below will greatly assist your child and you in easing the transition from home life to school life as much as possible:

•  Relax! Remember, just as it's important for your child to feel ready to adjust to life outside the home during the school adaptation process, it's equally important for you as parents to be free from worry and prepared for this process.
•  Just as you talk with your child before going to a place or meeting someone they are excited to see, have a similar conversation with your child before starting preschool education.
• If, after these conversations, your decision is "we're going to school," but your child still says, "I don't want to go to school yet," it could lead to endless arguments between you and your child and generally develop a negative perception towards school.

  • If you're going to accompany your child to the classroom during the orientation process, don't forget to say "goodbye and have a great day with your teachers" when you hand them over to their teacher. This way, your child can focus on the start of a new day and alleviate any uncertainties about what will happen after separating from Mom.


  • If you have any concerns or thoughts in your mind, don't hesitate to talk to the teacher right away. While our teachers' primary task is to greet the children and check their bags and notebooks in the morning, there may not be a suitable time to talk to them during the busy morning greetings. However, you can write your concerns in their notebooks, call the school during garden and rest times to avoid interrupting the children's uninterrupted work hours, email us at info@binbircicekkresi.com, or request a short meeting date from the school during the day.

Orientation Process Assistance

Our experiences from previous years show that children who arrive late to school in the morning often have difficulty concentrating on their work and adjusting to the environment, and may enter the classroom crying. This situation has the same effect on children as what you feel when you are late for an important meeting or work.

·  Please help your child feel safe by dropping them off at school on time.

·  Please be on time. Our teachers prepare important and fun presentations for our circle time at 09:30 in the morning. To make the most of the school day, make sure your child arrives before circle time. Consistency in arrival and departure times is also extremely important for your child's sense of security.

·  Having consistent arrival times and minimizing absences and interruptions will enhance the quality of time your child spends at Binbir Çiçek. Especially on rainy and snowy days, please allocate enough time for your commute and be present at school. Thank you for your cooperation and support regarding attendance.

·  Lütfen sabah okula girişlerinizde (oryantasyon döneminde değilseniz) çocuğunuzu ilgili öğretmene teslim ediniz ve çocuğunuza hoşça kal diyerek sabah saatlerindeki yoğunluğun azalmasında yardımcı olunuz. Çocuğunuzun sınıfına tek başına çıkmasına fırsat tanıyınız; çocuğunuza her sabah eşlik etmeniz, ayrılık anksiyatelerinin artmasına ve herkes için güven eksikliğine neden olabilir.

·  Please hand over your child to the relevant teacher and say goodbye to your child during morning drop-offs (if you're not in the orientation period) to help reduce the morning rush. Allow your child to enter the classroom alone; accompanying your child every morning may increase separation anxiety and a sense of insecurity for everyone.

If you will pick up your child from school earlier than the regular departure time, please inform the school by calling or writing a note in your child's notebook in advance.

·  Keep in mind that our teachers' most important task is to focus all their attention and care on our children. Therefore, remember that you may not be able to reach our teachers, especially during the uninterrupted work hours of our children from 09:30 to 11:30, and that our teachers' priority is our children. You can visit our school whenever you want, such as during birthday celebrations, and get information. You can convey the necessary notes to the secretary during working hours or write a note in your child's notebook.

·  Please do not speak loudly inside our school building and be a role model for our children in this regard.

·  Please have conversations with other parents outside the school building.

·  Please prioritize your child's safety by being aware that there may be cars entering or leaving the parking area after picking up your child from school.

·  Please ensure that your child does not run or play in the parking area while you are talking to others. Make sure to put your child in the car seat and fasten the seatbelt before starting to talk.