
Garden Time Rules

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Garden Time Rules

Weather conditions, regardless of what they may be, require our children to spend a certain amount of time outdoors every day. In order to make this outdoor time enjoyable for all children and ensure they have safer experiences, we expect your cooperation and sensitivity in the following areas:

  • When parents come to pick up their children (while waiting for their playtime to finish), we kindly ask that they wait along the walls rather than occupying the play area.
  • Adults take up more space compared to children. We make an effort to minimize the number of teachers present in the garden area. Therefore, we kindly request that you avoid crowding the play areas by swinging, sliding, etc., especially during peak hours.
  • We aim for every child to have an equally enjoyable time during garden time, whether they are being picked up by their parents or taking the school bus. Therefore, we ask for your empathy and refrain from intervening in any interactions or processes among the children, either in favor of or against any particular child.
  • The most important and non-negotiable task of the teachers in the garden area is to observe the children's play and engage with them in activities whenever possible. For the safety of the children, we kindly ask that you minimize personal questions and daily evaluations and assist in ensuring that the teachers' observation process is not disrupted.
  • We are all striving to develop healthy eating and snacking habits for our children. We have been unwavering in our stance on this matter since day one. Therefore, we request that you do not offer any food or snacks to children (even your own) within the garden area or immediately outside where other children can see. Additionally, if there is a substance (such as gum or candy) that we prefer not to be given to children within the garden area, please entrust it to the teachers or other parents to be given to the child upon leaving, ensuring that they are not left in a difficult situation.

We appreciate your sensitivity and cooperation in advance.