Binbir Çiçek Children's House and Montessori Preschool provide services throughout the year, except for official holidays.
Our school closes at the latest at 18:30: Binbir Çiçek Children's House and Montessori Preschool are open every weekday from 08:00 to 18:30, except for official holiday days. Our teachers leave the school at 18:30. If your child is not picked up by this time, our teachers will be in contact with you.
Snow Days and School Closures: In cases of late openings, early closures, or cancellations, our school follows the regulations and decisions of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies. Cancellation decisions will be announced on the binbircicekmontessori website if received in advance, and all parents will be informed via email, phone, or text message.