If your child exhibits any signs of illness such as fever, vomiting, dizziness, pain, redness, or burning within the classroom, the school administration will inform our parents by calling them. Until the time you pick up your child, necessary first aid interventions recommended by you will be provided for their comfort and well-being. For the education process to progress healthily, it is necessary for our children to come to school healthy and to stay at home when they are ill. Our primary goal at Binbir Çiçek Montessori Kindergarten is to protect our children from the risk of spreading serious illnesses to other children. The presence of such symptoms of illness will not only make it inevitable for them to spread to other children but will also prevent our child from actively participating in the educational process throughout the day. Therefore, please ensure that your child stays at home if any of the following symptoms are observed.
If our child is currently taking medication; especially within the first three doses of the medication, we expect our child to stay at home. According to the regulations of the Ministry of National Education, we do not administer medication at our school. We kindly request that you administer your child's medication before coming to school or come to school at the medication time to administer it.